Love Eating Muesli For Breakfast? Now Try Eating It For Lunch And Dinner!
Muesli is popular as a breakfast food and many people swear by it as an excellent breakfast item.
It is a mix of different cereals like oats, cornflakes, wheat flakes with dry fruits, nuts, fresh fruits and milk. There are no set rules to eat muesli and you can always experiment with it and add the ingredients you like or skip the ones you don’t.
Muesli is a protein and fibre rich food which makes it an excellent breakfast meal. But did you know it can also be eaten at lunch and dinner too?
The special quality of muesli is that it is one-dish meal. Since it is carbohydrate rich, it keeps your energy levels up and keeps you full for a long time.
Muesli for breakfast—
Since breakfast is the first meal of the day you should focus on eating adequate portions. Your breakfast should be rich in carbohydrates and fibre which helps in kick starting your metabolism. It should also be rich in proteins and minerals which are essential for the repair of the body.
Add fresh berries like strawberries, blueberries, bananas, cereals like oats and wheat flakes to make muesli. You can also throw in some nuts like almonds and walnuts along with dried fruits like raisins and apricots. Raisins and apricots and fresh fruits give a natural sweet taste to your bowl of muesli which makes skipping sugar easier. Use low-fat or skim milk instead of full cream milk to cut down the excess calories.
Muesli for lunch—
If you are on a weight loss diet and are trying to eat less but want to derive the most out of the food you eat, muesli should be your go –to food. Like breakfast, your lunch should also contain all essential nutrient groups. This is the time of the day when the sun is at its highest and strongest therefore you tend to feel lethargic and therefore you need a meal that’s light and contains the right nutrients to keep your energy levels high for the rest of the day. You should avoid eating junk or spicy food for lunch as it can adversely affect the rest of your day. And that is why Muesli fits the bill perfectly. It is a meal that is light on the tummy and filled with proteins, fibres, carbohydrates, omega-3-fatty acids and antioxidants to keep you active for the rest of the day. It is also beneficial for diabetics and is known as a diabetes-friendly food. It helps in controlling cholesterol levels and also keeps heart disease and hypertension at bay.
You can twist and tweak the recipe the way you want and add or skip ingredients to suit your needs. Make your lunch more powerful by adding apples, flaxseeds, chia seeds and fresh yogurt to your bowl of muesli. The apples and the yogurt balance the taste and don’t make your muesli too sweet. You can also add fresh vegetables like carrots and beetroots for a wholesome lunch.
Muesli for dinner—
Eat your dinner around sunset and you will never have to worry about putting on weight and if you eat light it is even better. Muesli is also a perfect dinner because it is a light meal which is easy to digest and contains all essential nutrients. Plus you can easily add or skip some of its content to suit your needs at the end of a tiring day.
Throw in some easy to digest fruits such as apples and pears and mix in some low fat milk to gain the most out of a muesli dinner.
Did you try our fresh and healthy muesli meals yet? The recipes are specially crafted by our expert chefs to suit all your breakfast, lunch and dinner needs.