Foods That Help Purify Blood

Blood is the flowing river of life in our body! Not only is it the carrier of vital nutrients to all cells but also is the vehicle for carrying life giving oxygen and the removal of toxic substances.

 It is clear that blood needs to be devoid of toxins to perform its life giving roles.   Many factors can impair the functioning of the blood.  These include:

  1. Low levels of oxygen
  2. Low levels of iron or hemoglobin
  3. Diabetes
  4. Kidney disease
  5. Environmental toxins from polluted air, water or soil
  6. High cholesterol from junk foods and refined foods
  7. Dehydration or low fluid intake
  8. Excessive salt leading to high blood pressure
  9. Toxins from smoking, alcohol , medications, drugs

 These factors can cause blood to become sticky, increasing its tendency to clot or aggregate which can lead to fatal heart blocks and impair functioning of the heart and brain. With low iron levels, there is less oxygen available to the body, leading to fatigue and impaired circulation.    Highcirculating levels of sugar in the blood can result into diabetes leading to increased risk of infections and gangrene.

Kidney ailments or other medical conditions cause the level of impurities such as urea, uric acid, nitrogen or ammonia to build up to dangerous levels that can be fatal if not treated.

Smoking and alcohol raise the level of toxins in the blood called “free radicals” that are responsible for a host of diseases including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and so on.

Foods that can purify blood

Foods that help prevent the above listed causes of a toxic laden blood include:

Iron rich foods:  These include fish, seafood, chicken and whole pulses, cereals, nuts and seeds.  Iron is absorbed well in presence of vitamin C, so it is necessary to include foods rich in Vitamin C along with iron intake.  Vitmain C is best found in guava, amla, citrus fruits , vegetables like cabbage, green leaves, broccoli, lemon and tomato.

 Blood thinners:  Foods like grapefruit, red and blue grapes, and whole grain oats are rich in blood thinning substances.  They help prevent the clotting tendencies of blood or the stickiness, which leads to heart blocks.

Nitrate rich foods:  Beetroot, spinach, lettuce, and celery are some foods rich in nitrates, the natural teflon coating for blood.  The nitrates in these foods prevent blood from sticking to arteries and keep the circulation smooth and efficient.

Infection fighters:  Bacteria, virus, fungus and parasites are some of the microbes that hamper the functionality of blood.  To boost immunity, eating a lot of foods rich in antioxidants such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and pulses are important.  Probiotics in the form of fresh curd, yoghurt, or probiotic drinks would helpincrease the number ofbeneficial bacteria and microbes in the blood which can then fight the bad ones.

Anti cholesterol foods:  Whole grain cereals including oats and barley are rich in soluble fiber called beta glucan which bind to cholesterol and prevent its absorption in the blood.

Potassium rich sources:   Tender coconut water, pulses, milk and milk products, fruits like banana, grapes, mango, orange are rich in potassium which helps bring down blood pressure and keeps the blood healthy.

In addition, getting enough exercise and sunshine and cutting out smoking and alcohol will go a long way in keeping the blood flowing as it should!

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